Prayer to change my home situation
Prayer to change my home situation – Loving Lord, with the pressure of life and the ‘need’ for instant actions in just about everything that touches our lives, I am finding that my family and I seem to be like passing ships in the night. We are all so caught up in our own needs and problems and work – and the business of the day, that we have precious little time for each other and even less time Lord, for You.
Lord Jesus, I know that this is not how You designed the family to function and I ask You, Lord, that in Your mercy You would help each one of us to change the way we think – to change our priorities and not to set aside what is important – for what we consider is urgent. Lord, I pray that You would change us individually and as a family as a whole, so that we live our lives in a manner that is pleasing to You – with You as the Head of our home, the welcome listener to each of our conversations and the honored guest at each of our meals.
Prayer to change my home situation
Lord, I do thank You for my home and my family and I pray that we become united as one as in our desire to change our home situation so that it may better reflect the way that You would have us live our lives – looking to Jesus, the author, and finisher of our faith. Take Your rightful position Lord and guide us all I pray, in Jesus name,