Prayer for those addicted to drugs
Prayer for those addicted to drugs – You are a loving God and we praise and thank You for all Your goodness to us and to all men – We bless You for our lives and for all the joy and grace that You so readily bestow on all Your creation.
But Lord we lift up an increasing number of men and women who suffer from drug addiction and pray that You would provide them with the grace and strength to reach out to You for the necessary help and guidance that they may need – as they take the important steps to recover their physical, emotional and spiritual health.
Give those that are addicted to drugs the will, perseverance, courage and ability to take the first step to regain their health and wholeness. Comfort and succour friends and family members that are affected by those that are trapped in drug addiction.
Prayer for those addicted to drugs
Give courage and hope to all who are seeking to break its demonic hold over the lives of so many and may the power of Your love and grace transform their lives – knowing that Jesus Christ alone is able to break the power of drugs, return a soul to freedom and bring beauty to brokenness – this we ask in Jesus name,