For those who feel guilty after an abortion

For those who feel guilty after an abortion – loving Lord, I recently had an abortion because I was pregnant and did not want to have another baby – but since going through the abortion Lord, I find that I am beset by guilt and my heart feels as if it is torn in two.

Lord You have promised to be close to those whose hearts are breaking – I know that what I did was wrong because You are the Lord of life, but Father You are also the great God of comfort and the Comforter that has promised to be with us always and to comfort us in our distresses.

Lord I have just read the prayer ‘I Had An Abortion,’ and I thank You that You died to pay the price for all my sins, including this abortion. Lord, I know that any deep wound takes much time to heal, but I pray Lord that You would start to mend my broken heart today and to soothe my smarting soul.

For those who feel guilty after an abortion

Give me the comfort that only comes from You to face the future, knowing that in Your sight I am pure and forgiven– and thank You for Your great assurance that there is no sin that is so bad that You are unwilling to forgive.

Thank You in Jesus name,


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