For the children of persecuted Christians

For the children of persecuted Christians – oh Lord – we bring before You all persecuted Christians in so many parts of the world and we particularly lift up their children, knowing that children can be so abused and ill-treated and used as pawns to cause their parents to falter in their faith.

Guard and protect all these little ones – keep each one from any long-term psychological harm, the emotional pain, or bitter revenge that can result from the atrocities that they have had to go through and witness.

Protect every single life we pray and ask that You would intervene in any attempts to abduct the children of Christians and expose them to forced “corrective teaching” or “child labor” camps.

For the children of persecuted Christians

Lord, You were the one that said, Let the little children come to Me and forbid them not – I pray that each and every child that experiences some form of persecution against their faith will be kept and protected by You – and brought at last into Your everlasting kingdom, where every tear and all pain will be wiped away, forever.


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