For spiritual stability in times of confusion

For spiritual stability in times of confusion – Father God, Your children are being deluged with many false teachers, damaging doctrines and deceitful tactics, and the enemy prowl around like a ravenous wolf seeking to scatter the flock and shipwreck many of Your servants – and Lord the church is being flooded with dangerous books and destructive media that are causing such confusion.. and Lord, many are falling into the traps that the enemy is setting.

Look down in pity on all Your people and guide them into the way of truth. Provide spiritual stability we pray in the lives of those that have little or no sound doctrinal teaching. Raise up we pray good men and ministries that are seeking to lift up the name of the Lord Jesus and teach the whole counsel of God.

For spiritual stability in times of confusion

Lord, it was the apostle Paul that warned us of the ravenous wolves that would scatter the flock – but You are mighty to save and we pray that You will continue to build Your Church and bring many to spiritual maturity – to the glory of Your name,


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