Confessional prayer before God
Confessional prayer before God – Thank You, Father God, that I have not to attend a confessional box, or confess my sins to a priest or pastor, but that by Your grace I can come right into Your throne-room, and confess my sins directly to You, for I am Your child and have been born into Your family and made a new creation in Christ.
Thank You, my Father, that I have been saved and by grace I have been forgiven, for by Your grace I am a child of God – and by grace, I have been granted access into Your very presence.. to confess my sins before You on bended knee and to lift up my hand in holy worship for You alone are worthy.
Thank You, Lord, that I do not have to do penance, but that You have promised that if we confess our sins and wrong-doings to You – You are faithful and just to forgive us all our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Thank You, Lord, that I may fly to Your feet when I have wronged You, in the knowledge that You are ready and willing to cleanse all those that seek You with a repentant heart, and a decision to walk worthy of our position in Christ Jesus.
Confessional prayer before God
Thank You for the freedom I have in You and I pray that You would keep me from sin and deliver me from the temptation of sin – for I desire to live godly in Christ Jesus – to the praise of Your holy name,