A channel of blessing to others
A channel of blessing to others – dear Lord Jesus – every good and perfect gift is a blessing from You and You have blessed me with so much and I ask that You would use me to be a blessing to others who are in need or facing difficulties.
Make me a channel of Your blessing – a channel through who You love and peace and joy and love flow out from You through me to others. May I be Your hands to bless others – may You guide my feet to places where I can go and be a blessing… May my speech be seasoned with salt so that I may speak words of comfort and encouragement – and speak the truth in love, and give me the grace to be available when others are in need.
A channel of blessing to others
Lord that You may increase in my life and I may decrease – so that the blessings that You pour through me to others may draw each one closer into the arms of the Lord Jesus, in Whose name I pray,